Neurological Differences

Amazing Special Different

Neurological Differences

Together we can explore behavioural traits associated with various conditions.  You may already have a diagnosis and want to learn how to better support your child, or you may have noticed some different behaviours and just started researching.  Early intervention is key, so whatever your situation, I can help you make sense of it all and I can share tools and strategies that will help YOU support YOUR CHILD.  Some of the more commonly known conditions are:

Autism (ASD/ASC)

Autism can be described as difficulty in social interaction and communication with restrictive and repetitive behaviours, interests and activities.

Attention Deficit & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD)

Inattentive and difficulty focussing and/or hyperactive and impulsive.

Obsessive Compulsions (OCD)

Repetitive thoughts and behaviours that are difficult to stop.


Difficulty with coordination, movement and learning.


Difficulty with reading, spelling and language.  My daughter was recently diagnosed with Dyslexia and I have been working with her and her school to better support her with her reading, spelling, language and maths.  There is a fabulous charity that are a fantastic source of information called #madebydyslexia


Feelings of worry, nervousness and unease.


Persistent feelings of intense sadness and loss of interest in life.

Sensory Processing

We all aware of our 5 senses - sight, sound, touch, smell, taste.  Well, there are 2 others that are not so widely understood, these are vestibular (movement) and proprioception (body position).  If any or all of these 7 senses are not being processed in the right way, it may result in (what society deems as) inappropriate responses to the demands of the environment. 

*You will notice that I do not use the term "disorder", I prefer "condition".

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